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About CarteSign
Most digital signatures are not legally binding making the blockchain smart contracts null and void with respect to the laws of different countries. The idea of a decentralized world can only be achieved if we can integrate the existing institutions into web3. CarteSign is a tool that allows you to tokenize your unique handwritten signature which can be used to sign Digital smart contracts. Handwritten biometrics-based contracts perform much better under legal scrutiny than digital signatures. This tool can also be used to mint memorable messages as NFTs and be shared among friends and family, or they can be used to authenticate digital collectibles in the form of autographs and can be traded online. This project uses Cartesi at its core for acting as the marketplace platform and the Signature analysis platform. Cartesi also performs the task of managing assets in a layer2 platform. CarteSign also uses Arbitrum and Optimism to mint nfts at a much lower price compared to the mainnet. We have a react-based frontend with wallet-connect integration to facilitate ease of transactions.
Describe what could be next for your project?
NFT mint and trading functionality integration with frontend